Monday, September 13, 2010

My Own Eat, Pray, Love Moment...

I feel like I'm experiencing my own Eat, Pray, Love moment...the part when you realize that your life is not quite what you expected and far less than you hoped for. I understand that some things in life are irreversible and unchangeable and that each and every piece to the puzzle does not have to fit together perfectly. I also realize that sometimes we need to choose our thoughts the way we choose what to wear, who to be in a relationship with, where to live and how we spend our money. We can't keep weighing ourselves down with coulda shoulda wouldas. I'm now learning that the way to completely control my life is to work on my mind. When you figure out how to cultivate a positive outlook on things, it's so much easier to free up your mind to think of positive solutions to the things you feel have gone south in your life. It gets you out of the "poor me" thinking that can drag you to hell. When you have a plan to focus on, a goal to look forward to, something that makes you feel find more enjoyment in life. As I get older I'm learning not to just expect happiness to arrive as I did when I was younger, but to go out and find my excitement, contentment and joy. But I also am learning to accept that real life will inevitably deliver some blows that are inescapable...and that eventually it will be ok. There is no way to avoid some of the bumps in the road that we experience...but as does everything in life, they shall pass...sometimes the wait is just a little longer than we feel we can handle. I believe at this moment in time, I am figuring out great lessons about living and  I am finding many things, places and people that bring me joy...